Saturday, November 23, 2013

Visits from Two Authors!

In conjunction with the upcoming Barnes and Noble fundraiser, author Dana Sullivan will visit with K-3 students on Monday, December 2. He will also be at Barnes and Noble the same evening for a book signing event.
More info about Dana and his books can be found HERE.
Award-winning author, Candace Fleming will visit with Enatai students on
Monday, March 3. 
Our grant was approved! Bellevue Schools Foundation and the Enatai PTSA will fund this exciting opportunity.
This project was designed to bring understanding, interest, and enthusiasm to the process of writing for students, as well as provide useful take-aways for teachers to use when instructing in their classrooms. 
Candace Fleming is the author of over 20 picture books, chapter books, biographies and non-fiction, and she brings a range of experiences when presenting writing techniques to her audiences.  Her interactive, grade-specific presentations will inspire our youngest writers to think creatively and critically and older writers to research thoughtfully and passionately.  
For a complete list of her books, please visit
More info to come as we enter 2014…

Friday, November 8, 2013

Search for Books by Reading Level

Research shows… “If a book is too difficult, it will lead to frustration; too little of a challenge will lead to boredom (Routman, 2003). So the book needs to be ‘just right.’ A just right book is one that provides a little bit of a challenge for a student. It should be a book that the student finds interesting and can be read with a small amount of assistance with the text. Spending time reading just right books during independent reading time will help students become stronger.”  
                                                       –National Institute for Professional Practice, 2013
It is now possible to search for books in the library catalog BY READING LEVEL!

Notes regarding levels:

1)  Many different reading level systems exist.

2)  At Enatai, many teachers use the Fountas and Pinnell leveling system. Levels start at A (most basic) and go through Z (most advanced). 

3)  Not every book published has been leveled under this system.

4)  As new books are added to the library, their levels (if available) will be included in the library catalog.
5)   Kids are great at figuring out which books are “just-right” for them, both in interest and difficulty, even without knowing their exact level.

6)  I hope this added resource will help introduce you and your child to some unknown “just-right” books!